If Dr. Seuss Wrote the Final Scene of Donoterase

Jarod:             Mr. Parker, here comes Syd.
                 Of you I finally will be rid.
                                     But tell me, tell me, won’t you please,
                      Why you’re doing this to me.

Mr. Parker:      1+1 and 2+2;
                                               It all adds up and so do you.

Jarod:          But children stolen and created?
                  Is it any wonder you are hated?

Mr. Parker:                            Survival really is the key.

Jarod:              Mr. Parker, you let me be!

Major Charles:  Sydney brought me in his car.
                       Sydney brought me very far.
                                  Now Sydney wants to say goodbye,
                    Before we fly into the sky.

Jarod:              Sydney, goodbye,
                                  We must fly into the sky.

Sydney:           Jarod, you have found your Dad.
      Jarod, I am very glad.

Jarod:                Here’s Miss Parker, driving fast.
                     I knew our deal wouldn’t last.
                          I told you not to come here fast
                    Or your Daddy wouldn’t last!

Miss Parker:   I had to come here fast,
                        So that Daddy would last.
                                 Daddy, watch out for the blast.

Jarod:            A blast?  A blast?  But who, I say.
                    We have no time for this today.

Miss Parker:   Here they come, now, see the gun.
                     Daddy, get back, this won’t be fun.

Mr. Parker:     Angel, Angel do not die.
                             It will make your Daddy cry.

        Major Charles:                     Get in the plane, Jarod, we must go.
                                                  Jarod, you are much too slow.

Jarod:   Run, Dad, run,
    You need another son.

Major Charles:  With you I want to run.
    Jarod, you must come.

Jarod:                      I must stay, I must stay,
                          For now I must stay.
                                     Soon Miss P will be okay
                                             And I’ll see you another day.

Raines:   Willie, I don’t want to share the sky.
                Make sure that airplane doesn’t fly.

Willie:   Yes, sir.  I’m your man.  Yes, sir.
                       I’ll make sure that airplane doesn’t stir.

Jarod:   See here, Mr. Raines, see here.
    I have a gun.  Now you must run.
    Is that more fun?

Woman in Orange:                              Here I am!  I’m bending down.
                                                                       I’ll pick that gun up from the ground.
                                                               I’ll make sure Jarod doesn’t run.
                                                       I will give Brigitte the gun.

Jarod: Now my Dad can leave this place
      And to the hospital I will race.

Brigitte: No, no, no, that will not do.
             No, no, no, I will shoot you.

Jarod: Here’s a motorcycle.  Now I see.
              Here’s a motorcycle.  I will flee.
I will flee, you see.

Raines:       We’ve lost them all but still have one.
Willie, don’t let Jarod run!

Brigitte: Lyle, Lyle, how did you get here?
            Oh, well.  Just keep Jarod near.

Jarod:   Do not shoot at me!
    I wish to flee!
    I need to be free!
    Ouch!  My knee!

Raines:   Willie, land the chopper.
                        We must greet Jarod proper!

Lyle:    There he is!  I’ll stop the car.
    There he is!  He did not get too far.

Willie:   Sir, your tank!  Please wait!  Please wait!

Raines:   That stupid tank is too much weight.
    I’ll tuck the tubes beneath my arm
    And that should keep me safe from harm.

Jarod:   Oh no!  Oh no!  I think I’m caught.
    Oh no!  Oh no!  I might be shot.

Raines:   Now you can no longer roam,
    And so, Pretender, welcome home.

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