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To The Simpsons Tree, Dude!

These are some of the sounds I recorded from the episodes, this section will be updated:

kcigar.wav(141 KB): Kearney, with fake ID, asking Apu for cigars
belt.wav(300 KB): Bart commenting on Jimbo's cord belt
beat.wav(25KB): Normal beating sound of the gang
parents.wav(159 KB): Jimbo, Kearney and Dolph's dads teaching Homer a lesson
kearnkid.wav(76 KB): Kearney and his kid
jimsteal.wav(69 KB): Jimbo and gang stealing from Kwik-E-Mart
springfield.wav(38 KB): Springfield Rules! Way to go Springfield!
kspring.wav(52 KB): Kearney commenting on Springfield and shaving
Dolph.wav(46 KB): Dolph before chasing Ned
nedjim.wav(144 KB): Jimbo and gang after chasing Ned
bumper.wav(103 KB): Jimbo and gang stealing bumper cars
library.wav(103 KB): "He makes me want to know more about our founding fathers. TO THE LIBRARY!! Yeah!!"
knanny.wav(181 KB): Kearney looking for the nanny job
sale.wav(106 KB): Principal Skinner Trying To Sell Jimbo
shoplift.wav(233 KB): Jimbo and Nelson stealing in Try n Save
newspaper.wav(116 KB): Jimbo recieving March 8th newspaper as a gift in jail
premium.wav(308 KB): Kearney complains on Snake on ruining the honour system for the rest of them
babytalk.wav(235 KB): Gang confronting Ralph and Bart in Springfield Knowledgeum
crimespree.wav(208 KB): Jimbo videotaping the gang's crimespree
oldspringfield1.wav(308 KB): Gang takes Bart's pants off when his frisbee crosses to New Springfield's border. Bart then tricks gang to do homework for him.