Pokemon City > Red Walk Through Red Walk Through
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Red Walkthrough

Pallet Town

This is where you begin. You start in your room, where there is a PC. Go check it out and WITHDRAW the Potion. It will come in handy. Journey to the grassy area north, and Prof. Oak will drag you back to his lab. You will be given the choice between 3 Pokemon, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. No matter what you choose, your rival Gary (or whatever you named him), will pick the Pokemon that has an advantage over yours.

Your Choice Bulbasaur Charmander           Squirtle
Gary's Choice           Charmander           Squirtle Bulbasaur

Note: Bulbasaur is the best BEGINNER'S choice. He has a fair amount of strengths and weaknesses. Squirtle is what most people choose, because he will become quite strong. Charmander is probably the strongest, but the most difficult to raise early on, because early enemies are immune to Charmander's fire attacks.

After you select your Pokemon, you will battle Gary. Be sure to win, so you can gain a little experience and score some cash. Both yours and Gary's Pokemon have about 2 moves. 1 is Tackle, and the other is a move that lowers defense or attack. Use use the basic attack, that should kill Gary since he usually wastes his time on the attacks that lower defense or attack. Once you win/lose against Gary, go to his house (right of your house), to get a Town Map from his sister. Now, you will set off to Viridian City, by going north through Route 1.

Viridian City

The PokeMart has something for Professor Oak that you need to bring to him. It allows you to use the Pokedex and allow you to play linked games or trade. Bring Oak's Parcel (that's the item) back to Professor Oak in Pallet Town. On the way back, you can catch two pokemon, Pidgey and Rattata.. Now, go back to Viridian, buy whatever items you feel is neccessary from the Pokemart (just some pokeballs, potions, and maybe antidotes) and go through Route 2 to get to the Viridian Forest.

Viridian Forest

Here, you will face many trainers. Don't worry, this can be a good thing. It builds up experience real fast, and you can catch Pokemon while your here. Building up levels too fast can be bad too, since they won't obey you early on. If you bought Pokeballs, you can capture some ok Pokemon. Depending on what version, you'll either get a lot of Caterpie/Metapods or Weedle/Kakunas and less of the other. If you're lucky, you can find a Pikachu. (Pikachu is really really rare..... I takes a lot of patience to find one.... Just wander in grass and fight waves of caterpie/weedles untill you finally see a pikachu... it took me about 30 minutes untill I finally caught a Pikachu)

Pewter City

Here is the location of the first Gym. The trainer here is Brock. He uses rock-type Pokemon. If you chose a Squirtle, you'll win fast. Bulbasaur does pretty good too. Charmander isn't effective when you use Fire attacks on rock-pokemon, so over level him or use other pokemon. Defeating Brock will get you a Boulder Badge, which will let you use FLASH any time and raises the Power of all your Pokemon a little.

Note: When a badge lets you use something like FLASH or CUT, it doesn't mean you can use it right away. You need to find a Hidden Machine (HM) that teaches that ability. Use it to give that ability to a Pokemon and THEN you can use it.

There are several things to do in Pewter. Pewter is one of the few cities where you don't have to do anything to get out of that city, in order to get to the next one. It's a good thing to talk to everyone, explore suspicious areas, and check our all the buildings. As in every RPG, it will usually end up with you getting rewards and freebies. When you're ready, take Route 3 to get to Mt. Moon. If your Pokemon are in bad condition, use an item to heal them. If you are cheap (like I was), you just have to make the trip back to the Pokecenter in Pewter.

Mt. Moon

Outside is a Pokecenter. In there, there is a man who will sell you a Magikarp for $500. Do not be dumb like James and buy it.... just leave it alone. Magikarp is the worst Pokemon out there. BUT once he evolves to level 20, he turns into a Gyrados. At level 20, I think he's as strong as some level 30 Pokemon even. But, don't get it right now. you can get one (or many) for free later.

Not much to say about Mt. Moon. Find your way out. (You can find rare Clefairy's in the deeper sections) There are plenty of items lying around, and trainers protecting them as well. Some trainers give you special items when you defeat them. Bring items along or go back to the Pokecenter is all I have to say. There is one person who you MUST battle that isn't too tough, but when you win, will give you a special item. There are 2 Fossils to choose from when you defeat him. Dome or Helix Fossils. Either one of those fossils will allow you to get a Rare Pokemon when you get to the Cinnebar Island. For now, when you get to a PC, store this item, since you won't be able to use it for a while.

Cerulean City

At this city, Misty is the trainer at Gym #2. She uses water type Pokemon. If you have a Bulbasaur, he'll make short work of them. Squirtle does average, and Charmander the worst. Like I said, Charmander isn't good early on. If you captured a Pikachu already, he'll do well also. It's important that you defeat Misty, because you will get the Cascade Badge. It lets you use CUT and Pokemon up to level 30 will obey you. That means that your Pokemon won't ignore your orders in combat unless they are higher than level 30. It'll be a major relief when you get this. Explore a little. In this city, there's a Bike Shop that will sell you a Bike for $1,000,000. Don't buy it! You can get a coupon which is good for a free bike in the next town. There's a house with a cop blocking it. This will be important later. Gary is lurking around, so be prepared to fight. He's at the bridge. There's a few trainers on the bridge that you must defeat to get to Bill's Sea Cottage. Defeat them and get a prize.

Sea Cottage

Bill, the Pokemaniac is here. He invented the Pokemon storage system (the thing that says Someone's PC on the computer). He is stuck in the form of a Pokemon until you can help him turn back to a human. Help him, and you will recieve an SS Anne Ticket. As a bonus, you can check out Bill's PC and get the info on the evolved forms of Eevee. Now that you've helped him, when you go to a PC, it will now say Bill's PC instead of someone's PC. Return to Cerulean City when you're all wrapped up.

Cerulean City (Part II)

Now that you've helped Bill, the house that was guarded by the cop is now accessible. Talk to the people inside. They will tell you that Team Rocket messed up their house and stole the Dig TM. He's right outside in the back. Defeat him, get the TM, and return it. You'll get it as a reward. Go out to the back of the house again, and travel South. There's 3 buildings there. There's a daycare center, here, you can leave a Pokemon and have the person raise it's level. You will be charged $100 minimum. You have to leave it there for a while. For every level it's raised, it will cost you another $100. The daycare center is great for low-level Pokemon. They improve faster than a Pokemon who is already strong. There is a second building to the right. It has an underground tunnel that will take you to Vermilion City and the SS Anne. Below the daycare center is the city gates. This one leads to Saffron City, which is between Cerulean and Vermilion City on the Map. You can't really go though yet. City gates are everywhere, and are not usable until you do a favor for the guards.

Vermilion City

Vermilion is the location of Gym #3. The leader is known as Lt. Surge. He uses Electric Pokemon. Electric Pokemon suck against Grass Pokemon. Water will last the shortest. Fire fights average. Defeating Surge will get you the Lightning Badge. It increases your Pokemon's speed slightly, and lets you use FLY. You won't be able to get to Surge however, until you get the CUT HM (see SS Anne). Vermilion has some neat stuff. Check out all the buidlings you can. There's even a Pokemon club. Going there will get you a Bike Voucher. Take it back to the bike shop in Cerulean to get a free Bike. Now, traveling is a breeze. Put it at the top of your item list, since you will use it a lot. Bike's can be used only outdoors and in caves. Go back to Vermilion City and get a fishing rod from the old man in the house near the SS Anne. Now you can get unlimited Magic Karps when you fish in water. Fish up a "Magic Krap" and leave it at the daycare.... Now go back and board the SS Anne.

SS Anne

I hope you brought some items along, because you will have many opponents to face. This is mostly optional though. But it's best to do so to get some items and experience. Most of the SS Anne's passengers quarters have trainers who will fight you. Almost all of them use Water Pokemon also. There are many visible items as well as hidden items to search for in the rooms. Gary is on the ship too. Try to stock up on recovery items because you are not permitted to leave the ship often to go to the Pokecenter. You MIGHT be able to get off once, but if you try again, the ship might just leave before you accomplish an important goal. The Captain of the ship is sick. Help him , and get the CUT HM. If you don't get it before the SS Anne leaves, you never will. And, you will be stuck forever. Save before you board the ship just to be safe. Getting the CUT HM lets you fight Lt Surge by the way.

Vermilion City (Part II)

Now that you have the CUT HM, teach it to one of your Pokemon. I don't know who can be taught for sure, but I know ground-type can be taught (like Sandshrew), Charmander, grass-type (Bulbasaur), and a few others. Know one really knows how they are limited. The good thing about HMs is that they can be used an unlimited amount of times, where as with TMs, you can only use them once, and many of them you will only find 1 of in the game. CUT can also be used as an attack in combat, but it is pretty weak (it's ideal for weakening Pokemon to capture in my opinion). BE sure to use it on a pokemonFight Surge and win the badge. East of Vermilion City is Diglett's Cave.

Diglett's Cave

This is a short path that will take you back to a special part of Pewter City that you couldn't reach before, unless you returned their and used CUT. Diglett's cave is filled with yup, you guessed it-Digletts. Very few Dugtrios are in there, but they are hard to capture anyways. You should try and capture one. They are great. At a certain level, they learn DIG which is a skill you can use in and out of combat. Out of combat, you can use it like an Escape Rope and get it out of Caves and some buildings, and will take you back to the Pokecenter you visited last. DIG in combat is a devatating attack. It can often be a 1-hit kill move. Beware, Diglett is a ground-type, which means it will die with just a splash of water.

Pewter City (from Diglett's Cave or using CUT ability)

Here, you will get the FLASH HM from one of Oak's Aides in one of the houses. He will give it to you AFTER you catch a certain amount of Pokemon. Also, you can get many items that you missed because you didn't have CUT before. Now go back to Cerulean City so you can get to Rock Tunnel. With the CUT ability, use it right next to the museum. It will take you behind the counter of the museum so you can talk to some Scientists. Talk to the top one and you will get Amber. Store this in your PC. It is just like the Helix and Dome Fossil, which can be used to get some rare pokemon later.

Rock Tunnel

To get here, you have to defeat some trainers. You will be able to catch some Electric Pokemon that you couldn't find before. Teach FLASH to an Electric Pokemon that you don't like. Flash isn't a good attack to begin with, plus, you'll only use it ONCE to see in the dark at Rock Tunnel. So, like I said, give it to a one of your crappy electric-pokemon. Flash isn't really an attack. It's one of those abilities that lowers stats in combat, although I forget which. While in the tunnel, you will fight trainers and find items.

Lavender Town

There's no gym here. This Town is the location of Pokemon Tower, where dead pokemon are remembered. Don't try going in there unless you want to find out why, the hard way. Talk to all the people and you will find out Mr. Fuji is missing. He is in Pokemon Tower. If you try and go in, on the second floor, you will be greeted by Gary. Continue after that, and you will fight a host of Channellers (ghost-pokemon trainers) and a bunch of Ghost pokemon. You can't fight/ID Ghost Pokemon unless you have a Silph Scope, which you can get from Celadon City. So heed my warning, and don't go. Just find out what's up, and go West of Lavender Town. There will be a City Gate to Saffron City (which you can't use, STILL) and an underground tunnel that will take you to Celadon City.
