TFC Sprays

Make your own sprays


Submit a spray

Request a spray

Sprays that need to be made

How to install

How to make your own sprays


           Have you always wanted to make your own sprays? Colored sprays are fun to look at and make nice distractions. For instance, once I was playing tfc and I sprayed my dragon spray on the enemy's base (right under the battlements in 2fort), and all my snipers were killed because they were looking at my spray. Sprays are also the simplest things to make in tfc.

Creating color and black and white sprays

           First of all your picture must be at least 16x16 pixels big, and at the most 96x96 pixels big. Don't forget that the picture has to be divisible by 16. Once you have that set up, you need to make sure that you have at least 1 pixel of pure blue(0,0,255 or #0000FF). The pure blue will be transparent, so put it where ever you want. Now that you have your picture created, save it as a 256 color bitmap, and name it {LOGO.BMP. If you don't want a color spray, then save it as LOGO.BMP Now download On other sites, this may need to be edited, but we already edited the files you need. Once you've unzipped the file, move your file ({LOGO.BMP, or LOGO.BMP) to the MyDecal folder in the place that you unzipped texturesdk to. Run MAKEWAD.BAT, and you should get two files, PLDECAL.LS and PLDECAL.WAD. PLDECAL.LS isn't important, but you do need PLDECAL.WAD.

Installation and use

           To install the spray, you need to find your halflife or counterstrike directory (ex. c:/sierra/counterstrike or c:/sierra/half-life). Once you have found that, go into the main game folder of whichever game you want the spray in. For instance, I want the spray in tfc, so I go to the tfc folder. Now copy PLDECAL.WAD to the folder, overwrite the old one, and you're done.

Things to remember

If you go into customize, your spray will be reset to the default spray.


My computer wont run MAKEWAD.BAT. What should I do?

           On most windows operating systems, it should run. On ME, I had some trouble so I just did all the stuff on a different system. Some computers may need to be updated for the file to work. Just go to the Microsoft webpage, and download the updates.

My spray isn't appearing.

           You may need to wait for your spray to be uploaded to the server, and downloaded by everyone. Some people use a function to keep people from uploading stuff to the server, like sprays and skins. If that is it, then you will have to switch servers.