In his last days as Governor of Alabama Forrest “Fob” James commuted the death sentence of Judith Ann Neeley. At that time Governor – elect Don Siegelman, a lawyer and former prosecutor and former Attorney General, publicly expressed outrage and stated that he would not have commuted that sentence.

It was apparent that he desired to preside over the killing of a woman, to foster a public “tough on crime” posture. His focus turned to my wife, Lynda Cheryle Lyon, knowing that we had refused to standard system as a sham. It was at about that same time that Perry Hooper, Sr. – led Supreme Court of Alabama seized the case paperwork allegedly involving us even though we had refused to appeal to them, and appointed lawyers who pretended to represent us even though we refused them. The lawyer who pretended to represent me is Thomas M. Goggans, also attorney for the “fall guy” in Siegelman’s corrupt warehouse deal. In fact these attorneys represented the case paperwork which show application to legal fictions.

Having seen the publicity given Karla Faye Tucker, Don Siegelman made certain that as much media access was denied Lynda, as possible. A photo session with Annie Lieberman was denied. When Lynda put forth a serious effort to interest major nationwide TV news media in interviews, Siegelman appointee Michael Haley, Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC), issues an edict banning all face-to-face media interviews in Alabama prisons. When the Supreme Court of Alabama issued an “Affirmation” of the conviction and sentence recorded in the case paperwork the old lies about us were printed, along with some lies newly invented by the prosecution.

On March 7, 2002 an execution date was set for the sentence of death imposed upon the fiction LYNDA LYON BLOCK but - given the numerous, sometimes desperate attempts to associate the fiction with Lynda – obviously intended to operate upon the real woman, Lynda Cheryle Lyon. Officers of the UJS courts, and of the ADOC, have consistently lied about Lynda’s name, and continue to do so – as do their lapdogs in the media – to protect the false process by which they acted against Lynda.

Afterwards, the news media were tightly controlled, keeping quiet what should have been a big story nationally, except when they demonized Lynda, most frequently calling her an “anti – government extremist” without defining the term. The “extremism” so feared is our exposure of the conspiracy, and the devices used by the organized Bar to usurp and convert the entire American Judiciary and to plunder the American people who they have converted to virtual serfs. ADOC Commissioner Michael W. Haley, first approved one local and one national TV interview (March 9, 2002) then denied all face-to-face media interviews to Lynda “in consideration for the police community” (his words to Lynda on March 22, 2002). She was told she could only have a telephone interview, and then her phone numbers were blocked until Thursday May 2, 2002 so the interview would not be aired until the May 10 execution date was very near – and then what Lynda said was so highly edited that the impact was minimal.

Every time Lynda provided information to the press, lies generated by the prosecution were added to the resultant article. The near total silence nationally showed the influence of the ABA, not only Siegelman exerting in-state control – proving that the ABA encompass the State Bar Associations, and that they heavily influence the news media.

Siegelman and his equally evil cronies in the legislature made sure the “lethal injection “ bill contained a stipulation which, in conjuration with its late-in-the-session passage prevents it from taking effect until July 1, 2002 to also make sure that:

  1. They could kill Lynda on schedule, and;
  2. They could kill her by the most brutal method possible.
On Friday May 3, 2002 Haley had me moved to Donaldson Prison hundreds of miles north – until May 15 – cheating Lynda and me out of a visit and the opportunity to discuss appeal options. The Haley denied us even a telephone call, which completely denied to us the ability to discuss remaining appeal options. He also denied to me the ability to fax some last minute documents on Lynda’s behalf making sure that Siegelman’s “trophy” murder would not be denied or delayed.

What is now a Roy Moore – led Supreme Court of Alabama issued the original April 19, 2002 execution date regardless of our notice that we are appealing to Congress; then without comment reset the date to May 10, 2002. This was done in aid of Siegelman’s plans, but also protected the Alabama State Bar Association and the entire organized Bar – which we had exposed to Congress – by silencing Lynda.

During this time there has been a case pending in the Supreme Court of the United States of America captioned Ring v. Arizona which challenge the capital sentencing scheme of Arizona and 8 other states which used the same scheme, such as Alabama). Florida’s Governor Jeb Bush called a halt to all executions in Florida pending the decision in that case. Siegelman knew this but did not follow Bush’s example, so he could kill Lynda as planned.

As a last appeal device which is constitutionally provided, Lynda drafted a petition for reprieve to Governor Don Siegelman, requesting that reprieve (temporary suspension of execution of sentence) so an independent panel could investigate the case, the composition of which panel she proposed, after listing the numerous ways in which she had been cheated out of a fair trial. Gov. Don Siegelman, when announcing his denial of Lynda’s petition, lied and called it a petition for “clemency”(see petition) so he could also lie about his reason for denial, saying there were “no mitigating circumstances in the record” (in the capital sentencing scheme context, causes to reduce the sentence), thereby also creating the false appearance that Lynda tacitly admitted guilt by asking not to be killed. Siegelman wanted no independent investigations, nor any delay, no did he want to admit that Lynda had asked for these very reasonable things within his power to grant, which admission would also constitute an acknowledgement that she maintained her innocence; so he lied about the nature of her petition and lied about his reason for denial, through media agency with which he had formed an exclusive agreement for this specific event.

Why ? Because Lynda had send copies of her petition to several news media agencies, to stir up interest and controversy, and Don Siegelman wanted to be certain that his version, only was broadcast, with no-one asking embarrassing questions about the true nature of Lynda’s petition. It is with these lies and Lynda’s murder that Siegelman began his re-election campaign. It is also not by accident that her murder was scheduled only a few days before the police memorial day. This is the true reason that date was moved from April 19, 2002 to May 10, 2002 (two days before Mothers Day). If the “Waco" association was the cause (as conjectured by news media), why move the date five weeks rather than one week ? Nothing in politics is accidental. In addition to promoting an appearance of being “tough on crime” Siegelman bought the votes of the Alabama police organizations with Lynda’s innocent blood, and by silencing her so she could not expose Sgt Motley.

These things were done in the knowledge that, according to Alabama law and God’s law Lynda is innocent of wrong doing. On examination of Alabama code § 13A-3-23 and the history of the law of self-defense and the defense of others in Alabama – which is reflected in numerous judicial opinions and the McElroy’s Alabama Evidence § 457.02 shows that Lynda’s belief that I would not engage in a gunfight without just cause justifies her actions even if she was mistaken (and she was not). She was some distance away when the gunfight began and had no knowledge of its cause; but, knowing my character and seeing Motley shoot at me, defended me. When Motley turned his gun toward her she justifiably defended herself. There points of law are among the things the trial judge, Harper, prevented Lynda from properly presenting to the jury. However, the justices of the Supreme Court of Alabama do have knowledge of them, and are without excuse, as is Governor Don Siegelman.

George Everette Sibley
Dated: June, 2002
