The old man at the depot, once again

Squinting at the tardy evening train,

Clocks it as though it were his rightful place;

But tracks of wagons line his leathery face

And arch his shoulder bones and rope his hands,

Yet never shake the creed on which he stands,

Absurd and lonely, and as loath to bend

As that one stalk of grain sown by the wind

Atop the depot in this lonesome town

Where no one coaxed it up or cut it down.

But winter with its weight of ice and rain

Inevitable will bend unbending grain;

The train will whistle past an empty door,

And the station will be smaller than before;

Then an engineer on an evening run

Will slowly head into the setting sun.




She leans forward

into the faded light,

as this rainy day

drags across her guitar strings

in minor key.

Old forgotten chords

from her repertoire of pain

whisper on the fretted keys


by rain.

Somewhere along the night

the mute guitar,

with this new hurt,

will hang on the wall,

then tomorrow, she will listen

for your call.




                                               Wonder sparred with disbelief

                                               For in noon's midget hour

                                               Inside my auto had appeared

                                               An iridescent tower.


                                               A spider in a spider world

                                               Was spinning tediously

                                               To build a home, to weave a dream

                                               Of rainbow filligree.


                                               A gust of wind shook tower walls

                                               And prisms in the sun

                                               Danced quietly then fell apart;

                                               Another dream was done.


                                               All day I thought of brittle dreams

                                               That one wind can erase,

                                               And swiped at bits of gossamer

                                               That lingered on my face.





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