
Universitetets Symfoniorkester i Bergen

Welcome to the official homepage and world of music of The University of Bergen Symphony Orchestra. Regardless if you are a student or not, young or old, here is much to gain for everybody who loves music.

The orchestra was founded November 2nd 1966, then called The Student Orchestra. It was renamed in 1985 and it's main objective is to be an important part of the cultural life in Bergen. The orchestra constitutes a full-size symphonic ensemble with non-professional musicians from the entire Bergen region. Many members are students with the university, music conservatiore or other educational institutions in Bergen.

The Australian born conductor Angus Straton Christie is the artistic leader of the orchestra. He graduated from Melbourne, Sidney, Budapest and the conservatiore in Wien. He is at present leading USO in Bergen and the University of Oslo Symphony Orchestra.

The orchestra gives 4 concerts a year in addition to it's assignments with the University of Bergen. Soloists that have been playing with the orchestra includes Truls Mørk, Linda Øvrebø, Gregor Zubicky, Roald Engelberg, Audun Kayser, Stein-Erik Olsen, Lasse Rossing, Lars Erik Ter Jung and Åsta Jørgensen to name but a few.

New members are welcome at all times. Please make contact if you would like to play with the orchestra. Call me on 55120149 or come to our Wednesday rehearsals at Studentsenteret at 1830hr.

Check out what the University writes about their orchestra!

Next concert:

14th March, 1999 i Logen

Sibelius : Symphony no3

Haydn : Piano Concerto / Solist:Rune Boutroue Bekkhus

Hindemith : Trauermusik / Solist:Helle Tennøe Andersen

Dirigenter:Angus Straton Christie / Halldis Rønning

Billetter: kr 70 / 40

This page is maintained by Geir Dahl/E-Mail: /Homepage/ /Last update 21st December, 1998