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Links (ad nauseum)
My surfing escapades have led me to some neat places to get yarns, materials, hooks, patterns, all sorts of needlework supplies and ideas. Here are some. I have permission from all the sources to list them here. They will all appreciate your visit and your patronage should you so decide.

Mary's Craft Corner
What a treasure trove of answers! Patterns, suppliers, information, ideas, what more could one ask? Beautiful pages with neat graphics. You'll love the towel bar on the first page! Needlework resources galore. Guilds, organizations, individuals -- all the places and people you never knew existed who can help with all the things you were sure you'd never find! A true adventure in "one stop shopping"!!

Women's Pages
You could probably ask for more, but I don't see how you'd get it. These pages contain more things of interest to women, and broad minded men (absolutely no pun intended!) than you will believe. You can use the page I've linked you to as a hub from which your children can spoke out across the links and explore some of the best stuff on the net -- without a mother worrying to death about what they'll come across -- Big, Big Plus!!
I don't know the significance of the name, but I can tell you if you're looking for hooks, any size, composition, type, whatever, if this place doesn't have them, give up! Weaver's tools? Why ask? Of course they have them. Any sort of needle, hook, loop, or whatever... What an amazing resource!! Life is Good!!

The best books are not always right in your face. They are available through some very savvy book sellers. Amazon Books fits that bill! The selection is fantastic and the service is, as well!

Talk about useful! Check this out!One Piece Sweater info
Takes a while to load -- patience is a rewarding virtue, too!


My favourite word in the English Language! Here we have it! FreeStuff

Looking for charts and patterns for needlework? Whether it be a knitting chart, or the same image in a beading chart, or the same one for a needlework chart here's the place to go! TapdancingLizard is the unlikely name, but WOW what an assortment of accessories!

More Needle Links, but this time you can have a choice of Crocheting or Knitting patterns here in either craft, or tools, or accessories.......you might want to start here before you look anywhere else.

If you'd be interested in any crocheted animals and dolls I am, as ever, more than willing to seek them out and supply instructions for them. Jot me a note in the guestbook, or e-mail me.

The crochet pages I have linked to have free patterns for items of all sorts. You may just find what you're looking for from one of them. Anyhow they're pretty nice to look at just for the fun.

Need an uplifting moment?
A place to tell you how special you are - as a woman? Wait til you see this!! Woman! you will feel reborn!

Try this on! You know how you felt as a "kid" when a kiss was a commitment? Things we learn over time -- and knew all along in our hearts......but, oh, how well put; the words on this page..Grown-up Woman

Recipe for making each day of your life happier.

Maggie's PlaceThe heart of this lady shines through so brightly!! What a joyous place to visit!

Sheba's pageIt doesn't take much intuition to know that my own puppy is my baby and my first love. Read this and know why I wept! Please, if you can take it -- read it. People need to know, how else can anything be done?

Great Aunt Tea Obvious why I loved this one. You should greatly enjoy it too. Whether you can put yourself in the role of the Aunt or of the nephew -- it's thought provoking.

Just plain cute!!Fish Swimming.

This is the bestest one of all! Birdies If it doesn't make you cry, it will surely make you think!


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Page last revised on **** 30 December 1998 **** by Auntie Sandra

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