Arizona State Standards

1SC-F1 PO 1-5 Plan, design, and report on an experiment.

1SC-F2 PO 1-2 Construct models and compare them to representations.

2SC-F1 PO1 Recognize that scientific contributions have been made by all kinds of people.

3SC-F3 PO1-2 Describe and explain the interrelationship to ours of populations, resources, and environments.

4SC-F7 PO 1-3 Explain the interaction of living and non-living components within ecosystems.

5SC-F3 PO 1-2 Demonstrate and explain that materials exist in different states and can change from one to the other.

6SC-F1 PO 1-2 Describe the basic earth materials and their physical properties.

Language Arts:
2W-F1 PO 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 Use the writing process to complete effectively complete effectively a variety of writing tasks.

2W-F4 PO 1-4 Gather, organize, and report information gained from personal observations.

4VP-F2 Plan and present a report, using visual media.


2M-F1 PO 1-4 Collect and analyze data.

5M-F2 PO  4    Measure a given characteristic of an object using standard units of measure.

Social Studies:

3SS-F1 PO 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 Construct and interpret maps to organize information about their  environment.


2T-F2 PO 1-3 Practice responsible use of software.

3T-F3 PO 1 Use technology tools for publishing and presenting information.


1WP-F1 PO 1-2 Describe how the five senses are used in communications.

4WP-F3 PO1 Demonstrate teamwork skills for positive group dynamics.

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Head Gardeners:
Name: Linda LaMountain and Dina Smith
Email: and