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-Isaac Asimov- Foundation Trilogy-
Scope. I lost steam after the first 5, but re-read the first 3 several times. Many threads fascinatingly woven.

-Arthur C. Clarke- 2001-
Let's start (from the sentinel). Speculative and other worldly. Alternate, provoking.

-Frank Herbert -Dune-
Sometimes down-right silly, but I couldn't put it down.Again I lost it after the first 5. However, innocent and a childlike quality of wonder.

-Robert A. Heinlein- Starship Troopers-
As a military brat I saw many familiar scenes, great literature, no. Fun, yes.

-Stephen King- The Stand-
Read it 10 times(my wife says more)it seems like it. The dance of good and evil I couldn't look away.

-L Ron Hubbard-Mission Earth-
The monumental, I really mean it. 10 part 4000+ page Mission Earth I think he died after 7 1/2 the style abruptly changes, less sex and violence and the story suffers. Not ready, try the exellent Battlefield Earth only 1000 pages

-Harry Turtledove-Worldwar:In The Balance-
Alternate history buffs this means you. Funny and enlightening many characters you'll recognize. Hello boomers.

-Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson-The Illuminatus trilogy-
The granddaddy of all conspiracies. Learn about the world around you. They are watching and they know what you did. Please read this book.

-Philip K. Dick-The Man in the High Castle-
Eerie like you've been here before. Didn't I just do that? "Groundhog's Day", but I'm scared!

-Clifford D Simak-City-
A long, cool, dispassionate look from a very high place.

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