Posse coordination has gone even higher-tech and, dare I day, multimedia.

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The Dorney Park Summer Posse - 1997

It was a smaller posse this year, and I wasn't part of it. I blame that on my AMS travel schedule, which was unkind to me this summer. I'm already looking forward to the next posse, and I'll choose a date much further in advance.

The Dorney Park Summer Posse - 1996

Similar crowd, new scenery. This year, twenty people ventured out to Allentown to try out a new park. Dorney is smaller than Hershey, and there isn't nearly as much chocolate, but there's one distinct advantage: THE WATER PARK! Even though the temperature didn't top 80, having the water rides available made a big difference. So much for our streak of picking the hottest day of the year!

The Hershey Park Summer Posses

1991 - 1995

* The 1995 trip was a success! Twenty-nine of us (that's my best estimate) braved the grueling heat and humidity and still managed to have fun and eat lots of chocolate. Somehow we always seem to pick the hottest day of the year.

* Our record, if I am not mistaken, was 33 people in 1993.

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==[[ Paul Karlin ][ pkarlin@crosswinds.net ]]==

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