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A cast of characters
Here you may find the bio of every character in the RPG and information on their ownership status.  This section may include more information as time goes by and original characters may include more information than movie characters.

Movie Characters

Character: Evelyn "Evy" Carnahan
Owner:  Angel - -
Summary:  Her personality will stick closely to that of the movie, but may stray from time to time as the story goes on.

Character: Rick O'Connell
Owner:  Maureen -
Summary:  Rick will be sticking close to the type of character he was in the first movie, but on occassion he will step slightly out of character if the situation calls for it.

Character: Jonathan Carnahan
(Parts 1-6) Unkie Jon -
(Parts 7- ) Angelic Vixen -
Summary:  His personality will stick closely to that of the movie, but will leave room for growth as the story progresses.

Character: Dr. Bey
Owner:  (Character still available.  Temp Owner)  Maureen -
Summary:  None

Character: Imhotep
Owner:  Athena Ryan -
Summary:  None

Character: Ardeth Bay
Owner:  (Character still available.  Temp Owner)  Athena Ryan -
Summary:  None

Character: Anck-su-namun
Owner: None
Summary:  None

(Can be expanded to other movie characters)

Original Characters

Character: Pandora Caesar 
Owner:  Dawn -
Age: Unknown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Bio: Pandora was born an unknown child of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.
Raised secretly by her father she was soon found to have many talents and
became the champion of rome, many times fighting along side her father in
his battles.

After pondering over something that was thought to be a birth mark that
looked like the crest on Caesars banners she was taken to an oricle there
the oricle proclaimed she was the protector of the lands together combined
of Rome and Egypt her blood combined made her a child of both lands.

Not knowing what to make of such news Pandora took it in stride and did what
she could for both lands. When her father was killed by his best friend she
dissapeared into the sands of egpyt. forgetting of her duties...and soon
being forgotten except for what texts she was written in as the champion of

In her time away she eventually fell into a slumber, her spirit hybernateing
with her body deep in the sands of egpyt. She was a protector with no cause.  When
the evil of Imotep was awoken, so was she. Now finding her way in the new 
Egypt...who knows what she will find.....

Character: Drake
Owner:  Angel -
Age: 38
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Skin:  Dark
Bio:  Drake is a street thug.  Living in the streets since he was a boy earned him
keen streetsmarts and numerous skills, both honest and not so honest.  He was taken
in by a local cut throat at the age of ten when he tried to pick the pocket of an
upstanding merchant, by chance ruining the assassin's contract.  He was forced to
repay the loss in any possible way he could and picked up a few things from his new

Since then he'd grown up in a life of thieving and other crime, working to gain money
by any means.  But his career abruptly ended one night inside a local brothel when he
was set up by local authorities and arrested for his crimes.  He now spends his time in
prison, half-heartedly plotting escape and drawing dirty images on his prison mates' 
walls for pay.

Name: Alexandria Carnahan
Eyes: Brown
Hair:Brown wavy
Summary:  Alexandria Carnahan is Evy's and Jonathan's little sister.Everyone 
says that Evy and Alexia (her nickname pronounced Alec-zia) are a 
like in every way . It's like they were twins but born 2 years apart.

Dreamscape copyright AJD 2001, 2002