Juno says you can't use it before 4:am but when does it stop? 4:01 am for me it seems. Try
A O L and share it wit a few friends based on how many hours you need it. Netzero=ZERO now as is Bluelight and all other deceiving FREE ISPS !
McCormick's Taco Seasoning
If you don't like taco seasoning, leave now, or forever rethink how to get it. McCormick's was never a big deal to me. I use the cheap bottles of individual seasonings to make my own hot spicy concoction. The " Valupage experience" has forever changed that. McCormick's taco seasoning (MTS)sells for $0.79 each. If I buy 2 pkgs, I get a $1.25 webbuck for my next visit to the store. The cost per package is 1/2 of the difference of the reg less the webbuck refund/rebate and that is 1/2 of $0.33 or 16&1/2 cents per package. If you use 2 pkgs/week, that's 100 pkgs a year $79-$33=$46 in savings which is applied towards the pasta, ground chuck or whatever you need to make with the seasoning. It has a long shelf life and all you have to do is shop often.
Now, 33cents for 2 pkgs sounds like the best it gets...but it gets better. Today, Feb 15, 2001, I saw the MTS on sale for 3 for $2. Two pkgs cost $1.34 then I got a web-buck for $1.25. My 2pkgs cost 9cents or 4 1/2 cents each. It seems that I got my seasoning at 94% off the regular price.
So the answer to my question "What is the lowest legitimate price for name brand taco seasoning." the answer is 4 1/2 cents .
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McCormick's taco seasoning
What is the cheapest you can legitimately pay for good, hot, spicy, namebrand taco seasoning? How about less that 15 cents?