The above banner that diplays the title of this class, title of my week4 page and my name Marcus Eatmon is an applet that I found at

Keyboard Controls:

S - Start Game P - Pause Game
Cursor Left - Rotate Left Cursor Up - Fire Thrusters
Cursor Right - Rotate Right Cursor Down - Fire Retro Thrusters
Spacebar - Fire Cannon H - Hyperspace
M - Toggle Sound D - Toggle Graphics Detail

I found the Asteroids applet at

The sound that I chose to use is a song by the late rap artist Tupac "2pac" Shakur. The first way I used it as an embedded sound, and the second way is it is being used as a reference tag California Love. The song can be downloaded along with plenty other sounds and songs from Click.

JavaScript: By Marcus Eatmon
History of JavaScript | How JavaScript Relates to Java | The Document Object Model

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | "JavaScript"
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