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DJ Gonzo

John is my sweet husband. He and I got married on a beautiful, memory-filled day in April 2003. He's silly, handsome, smart, caring & loving, compassionate and all the other things a man should be. Thank you God for bringing him into my life.


John is definitely a little boy inside a man. One of his favorite hobbies is R/C racing. He and a bunch of other supposedly grown men race remote control cars around a track. They take it very serioiusly and have big national and international competitions. He also loves to DJ, there are crates and crates of records in our apartment and his turntable coffin takes up an entire wall in our living room.

DJ Gonzo

He loves to fish and will spend hours at it with Curtis, Kameron & Robert. He doesn't get to do it much here in the Bay, so it's good the boys take him out fishing when we visit them.

John Fishing

Thank God that John is an excellent chef and loves to cook, because this modern woman dislikes cooking intensely. When my family got to know John and found out what a great chef he is they all were relieved that I wouldn't be living on takeout food. Not only that, but now they fight over who gets to have him at their house during the holidays. The winner always has the best dinners served to them!

Did I mention that he loves to collect Star Wars figurines? All wall space in our living room not taken up by the TV, his DJ equipment and his paintings is taken up by his figurines. But I can't complain because our bedroom is taken up by my Snoopy collection and 3 of our fish tanks.

He is also an excellent painter. I think he gets it from his Mom. I'd say his style is similar to that of the master Picasso. I love his paintings and wish we had room for him to have a studio.


His family lives in the Philippines and consists of his Mom Zenaida, his sister Celine and his sister Rose and her family: Mel, her husband and Miguel, Happy & Angela, her children.

John & His Dad, the late John Gonzalez, Sr.

John's Family - Visit to Stanford University
l-r: Me, Angela, Zenaida, Happy, Mel, Miguel & Rose

|John & Valeen|
|Our Tabby Cat, Yoda|
|Fish Tanks|
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