Our Cat Yoda

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Yoda is our beloved gray tabby Maine Coon cat that my Mom & stepdad Curtis adopted for us at the end of May 2005. John named him Yoda because he's such a Star Wars freak. I wanted to name him Snoopy but John won out over me. It's ok because when we adopt a female cat she will be named Snoopy! At the time we got Yoda he was approximately 6 months old. The humane society in Oregon where Mom & Curtis got him said he was rescued from a church where someone had apparently abandoned him. The poor baby was so small and fragile that when we got him we thought he would break! Now about 3 years later he is bigger than some of our friends' dogs. We thought since he had come from a church he would be sweet and saintly. Not so! He's a little devil, but not in a mean way. He's just very, very playful. But he's also loving and always wants to be picked up and petted, just not held for too long or he gets squirmy and scratches until we put him down.

We do have to keep his claws trimmed or we end up with battle scars on our arms and legs that look horrible. Before we started trimming his nails we looked as if we'd been running through berry bushes or something.

For some very odd reason Yoda's favorite place is in our bathtub. Sometimes he won't even wait for the water to drain before he jumps in and sits there. If we can't find him at any given time it's almost a sure bet that he can be found in the bathtub. What a silly cat!

One bad habit of Yoda's that we cannot seem to break him of is his scratching on the tweed couch Curtis gave us. He has a scratching post that he ignores, instead preferring to scratch the corners of the couch, the little s--t!!! God only knows how often he does it when we're not at home.

We have many pet names for him including: Yody, Yodster, numbnut (when he's in trouble), beast, monkey and sheba.

Yoda's favorite toys are this ugly purple cat that Mom & Curtis got him, and furry fake mice. They can be found all over our apartment, usually under the couch.

Yoda now has his own page on Catster.com. He is a star on this site! To view his Catster page, click here.

Stay tuned for more info to come about our favorite feline and his adventures (and mis-adventures).

To view photos of our Yoda, click here.

To view a video of our Yoda, click here.
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