
invitros in tanks

invitro record


• Artificially designed human beings, grown in gestation tanks. Conceived by invitro fertilization. Genetic material from several human beings is used to optimize the chances of getting the best traits possible.
• Gestation takes between 5 and 6 years. The Invitro is decanted (or born) at the physiological age of 18 years. Only 27% percent of subjects survive the gestation process. During the gestation, InVitros are educated in several subjects through a neural implant at the base of their skulls.
• Identifiable by embryal scar (navel) on the back of their necks (where the artificial umbilical cord was attached in the gestation chamber).
• Originally bred in an effort to rebuild the Earth's workforce. When the AI Wars broke out, most were conscripted in the Armed Forces against their will.
• Most Invitros turn out to be socially maladjusted individuals and poor soldiers. The lack of family life results in their having neither a need to protect their family nor any sense of patriotism.
• The InVitro division of the military was eventually disbanded. Invitros became a rebellious race of political untouchables.
• Insultingly referred to as 'tanks'. Second class citizens, often targeted for discrimination.
• There is a movement afoot to grant InVitros the same rights and privileges as normal human beings.
• Easily addicted to Phyllophetamine, a painkiller used in possible head trauma causes, referred to on the black market as Green Meanies. Causes mood swings, nausea and aggression.

NOTE: 'The Program'
• Military program to train InVitros into platoon strength units of covert operations personnel. Pulled from the normal civilian InVitro Training Facilities, the students learn combat, intelligence and counter-insurgency skills under the strict guidance of Monitors.
• Program officially terminated in 2058. Continued covertly for sometime afterwards. It is not known whether or not this program is still progressing.

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