Welcome to the Port Charles Lighthouse!

Welcome to the home of Port Charles' most adorable couple! Dr. Kevin Collins resides here with his beloved Lucy Coe and their duck, Sigmund.

Come on in and spend some time getting to know Lucy, Kevin and their friends.

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*Updated 10/13/97*
What about a chatroom on this site!?

Nurses' Ball
Lots of pics so please be patient!

We Now Have Chat!!
Visit Lighthouse InterActive

Updated 10/8/97
*What's Up, Doc?*
A brief history of Kevin and Jon Lindstrom's bio.

Updated 10/14/97
*Lovely Lucy*
Get the scoop on L'il Miss Gossip, herself! Lynn Herring's bio, too!

*I love Lucy!*

Comming in November: a tribute to the Psycho boys!

You are number to visit since June 5, 1997!
Hey, thank you for your support! And if you have any pics, suggestions, or info you'd like to volunteer...Let me know!

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