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Letter from John Watson, Executive Producer, The Magnificent Seven:

Hello everyone!

I have been very moved by the letters & E-mails that so many of you have posted in support of our show. It is truly inspiring to know that our work has been so appreciated by so many people.

I am personally devastated by recent events, but am determined to do everything I can to get the show back on the air. To accomplish this, I need your encouragement and for your voices to continue to be loud and clear. I welcome praise and criticism in equal measure.

It has been an immense pleasure making "The Magnificent Seven" and an even more rewarding experience because of the warm reception you have all given it. From my heart... Thank you.

John Watson

To: Everyone involved in the Variety Ad
From: John Watson

WOW! The ad is incredible. I am overwhelmed by your enthusiasm, determination and commitment. They sustain me during my battles - why should it be a battle to try and keep a quality show on the air? Perhaps the audience just gets what they deserve - it seems they would rather see a double episode of 'Candid Camera'!?

We are trying all avenues - persuading CBS to air the remaining episodes - in another time slot - and/or during the summer - and hitting up every potential buyer. It seems that most sponsors are obsessed with a young urban audience and that isn't perceived to be Mag 7's viewership. The fact that most of our internet fans are well-educated, (presumably) fairly affluent, and primarily female ought to represent a substantial and appealing audience block. I'm not yet sure how to utilize that information. The assumption has always been that westerns attract older male viewers. That is probably not correct in our case.

I am so very grateful to all of you for putting your money where your hearts are and for all of your 'magnificent' support. Keep the faith...and "watch your back!"

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Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to "The Magnificent Seven".
They belong to MGM, Trilogy Entertainment and CBS.
This site is for entertainment purposes only.

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