Last updated 11/22/98

All of the stories on this page were written by me, Courtney. They are written only in fun and no infringement is intended on the brillance of Kevin Williamson or anyone else at Warner Bros. This is just my little homage to one of my favorite shows. If you have any comments I would love to here them! Please email me at Thanks!

1. Confessions - Takes place right after the Breakfast Club episode from season one. Joey and Dawson must deal with the fallout from her confession in detention.

2. Close Encounters  - Upset over Dawson, Joey turns to Pacey for friendship. Meanwhile, Dawson wonders about his jealousy at their newfound closeness.

3. Fools Rush In  - A double date finds Pacey and Joey growing closer and Dawson becoming more distracted by them. Jen begins to question just how real her relationship with Dawson is as he begins to wonder what exactly it is he feels for Joey.

4. Saturday Night Fever - Alone for the weekend, Joey becomes ill and Dawson must take care of her for the night. Throughout the evening he begins to see just what his feelings are for her.

5. About Last Night - The day after Dawson looks after a sick Joey she is feeling better. In the light of day, however, she starts questioning her feelings for Dawson and his for her. Meanwhile, Dawson is also having a change of heart, Jen is becoming more convinced that she's losing him, and Pacey realizes he's fallen for one of his best friends.

6. The Lost Boys - An unexpected turn of events turns the Leery household upside down. True feelings come to light as Dawson sees who is there for him to help pick up the pieces.

7. The Big Chill - It's Thanksgiving but none of Capeside's foursome is having a very happy holiday. Dawson is still having trouble at home and, with her family out of town, Joey stays with him for the day. Paceyis having trouble of his own at the Witter family dinner. His only saving grace is his sister, Emily, who offers some friendly advice on his lovelife. Also, Jen is faced with a holiday with her parents, which isn't very comfortable for any of the Lindley's.

And . . .

Coming Soon!!  The Competition  Coming Soon!!

Coming Soon!!!

**NOTE** The stories in this series are rated NC-17. Please do not enter this part of the site unless you are 17 or older. Thank you!

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