Last updated 11/13/98

Hi there! Welcome to my little dedication to one of the best couples on television! Well, I was originally going to make a Mulder and Scully site but after I got to looking at the other pages out there dedicated to them I realized that mine would never hope to be as good and would just have the same things already available. So, I decided to show my support by housing the very best links I find on this page. There are some really great pages out there for Mulder and Scully. I urge you to check them all out!


Truly an awesome site! This is the home of Xplicite Disclosures which is a really cool site. Lots of great fanfic for 'shippers, a well-maintained picture gallery and frequently updated.


[Fanfiction] Dawson's Creek | ER | Party of Five | One Fine Day] [Links] Mulder & Scully | Doug & Carol | Dawson & Joey | ER | Dawson's Creek | Other] [Other Pages] Reality Bites | Jay & Silent Bob | Pacey & Andie] [Sign GuestbookView Guestbook | Link to this site | Site Update List | Webrings | My Felicity Site | The X-Fic Archive]

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