Last updated 11/23/98

Other links . . . stuff I couldn't fit anywhere else but that I really like. These sites are just some random, cool places to visit on the net that I thought I'd pass along to one and all. Enjoy! And email me if you know of a cool site I should visit. Thanks!

An awesome page dedicated to the best couple in the history of soap operas, Days of Our Lives' Jack and Jennifer.


The best site on the net for true ghost stories. Stories come from all over the globe and range from the slightly eerie to the totally terrifying. Definitely a must see site!


The Internaitonal Lyrics Server . . . the best lyrics site on the web. Nuff said.


This site is really awesome but you have to have Shockwave Flash (click below) to get the full effect.


This is probably one the coolest sites I know of. You have to have Real Audio G2 but you can download that for free (click below). The site is for listening to streamed music. You can pick from a bunch of different genres, look at playlists, even make requests. It's like an online radio station. It's AWESOME! :) And they play Mexican Radio so they get my vote :)


This is the website for WNNX radio station out of Atlanta. I listen to it every day, especially The Morning X on my way to work. Barnes, Leslie and Jimmy ROCK! They have Real Audio so you can listen to the station over the net. It's worth it, they are hilarious!

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