This website belongs to a virtual horse. × Tämä sivusto kuuluu virtuaalihevoselle.

disposition × pedigree × offspring × competitions × boarding × main 

24.11.'06, old-o. Th'n Mihail Win, e. Mariss de Poemé

8.6.'06, fwb-t. VK Vaira, e. Solaris F

31.3.'06, old-t. Aphrodite Win, e. Agosto's Diosa

12.2.'06, fwb-t. KV Deliah, e. Romadour Distressed

19.11.'05, fwb-o. Akhilles of Tanglewood, e. L’Air Du Temps

24.9.'05, old-t. Only Star In Sky T, e. Snowball

21.9.'05, fwb-t. Devlina's Friscont Shellah, e. Treble Trevlina

27.8.'05, old-o. MM Black Beauty, e. Tiramisu

20.7.'05, old-o. HF Patrick's Lancelot, e. Lunes

4.4.'05, swb-t. Trax Flashdance, e. Valetta NLD

2.4.'05, fwb-t. FB Cloud Dancer, e. Courbette

Layout and texts by Tuire N. × This site is hosted for free by Yahoo! GeoCities.
Photos by Janna N. and the real horse on the photos is Comodo SWE.