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Burning Issues: General Issues

Election Burning Issues
General OA Burning Issues
Western Region's Burning Issues Archive. Note: this link takes you to a different site. We are not responsible for it's content.
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Q: What are the requirements for youth membership? Who can elect canidates?
A: Youth must be First Class, with 15 Nights of Camping in the past two years (6 nights must come from extended camping, such as Philmont or Peaceful Valley; other extended camping cannot count), and recieve the nomination from the unit. Adults and youth must be active in their unit.

Q: What are the requirements for adult recomendation into OA? Who nominates canidates? (Note: Adults ARE NOT elected, they are nominated and are reviewed by the election committee of the lodge)
A: Audults (those over 21), can be nominated if they meet the camping and nomination from the unit as youth do.

Q: Who can conduct an election for the Order? What are some guidelines to follow when having an election?
A: Election guidelines can be found on the Lodge Website. Only those trained in the current election year can hold an election. Each election must conducted by at least one person trained who is not a member of the unit. It is strongly encouraged to have two trained members

Q: Why does my troop have to have someone from outside of the troop handle the election?
A: A scout is honest and trustworthy. However, an extra head to remember the rules doesn't hurt anyone. Also, this allows the different units to see how OA Elections are done, and perhaps inspire new ideas in the lodge.

Q: I don't have OA in my troop, but want it, how do I get it?
A: Unlike the cable service, we don't have a 1-800 number for you to call. Contact our chapter chief, election chairmen, or other member of the CEC (who's that?) and they should be able to help you out. Our election team is ready to go with the new ceremony and an improved training session, we doubt there will be any problems. Get a hold of the chapter here. WE@TahosaLodge.org

Q: Can I hold an Election in a Venturing Crew? If not, why?
A: No. This is due to how the Venturing crew fits into the Boy Scout Flow Chart. Venturing is part of the Learning for Life division of BSA. OA is not; therefore, you cannot be elected by Venturing.

Q: Can I be in a Venturing Crew and OA? If so, why?
A: Yes. Altough you cannot be elected, you can transfer your membership and be in OA.

Q: What happens after a boy is elected?
A: Following his election, the youth is then notified of his election into our order. At this time, he will recieve the lodge letter, and a registration form for the cony parties. HE MUST ATTEND ONE OF THE THREE CONY PARTIES. These dates can be found on our website. Further details and instructions are given to him then.

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