My Kitties
Some of My Babies

October 13th,2001/

I have 15 cats total. Some are outside and the unspayed gals are in my back room. I have 3 spayed cats from my first litter. I have a pure black mother with 3 grown up babies.All of them need "fixing". I have a multi-colored seven-toed mother and here really big seven-toed baby, both un-spayed. I'm watching a cat for my oldest son and my daughter who also being un-spayed has a daughter of her own. That would be Amber, my first grandchild. Now, I'm really feeling old, but Amber is a real trip to watch,so, I'm O.K.,, Any way that makes 11 so far and then there is a calico that will eat my food but won't let me come close to it(I almost touched it once!) Also I have two male kittens that have adopted me. One nearly starved from a feline virus but I force fed it until the nose cleared up and it could smell the food. They won't eat it if they can't smell it! The other kitten was small enough to put in a 1lb coffee can with room to spare. It's pretty big now for a kitten. The 15th cat is wild but even though it just started hanging around, I pet it today, Oct 13, as it was feeding. It plays with a rubber lure I have on a fishing pole just like the rest of them. I think it looks like one I had leave a year and a half ago, but I haven't seen if it is a boy or girl. My missing cat is a girl and I'm thinking its a boy. I desperately need to find them all homes, befor my dad kills them. I can't blame him because he hates cats. I spend half of my earnings just feeding them and buying care products and kitty litter. I haven't anything left for me after car upkeep and feeding the family. My dad takes care of the bills. He doesn't mind too much since he can still waste more money in a month than I gross at work. I'm glad he can waste it, he earned it!
I will have many new pictures of all of my cats since dad bought me a new Canon SLR and it's a real honey of a camera. I got a high end scanner at BigLots, go figure! It goes up to 2400 dpi and to give you a comparison to that 75 dpi makes an exact same size representation on my 19" screen in 1024x768 res. Doubling the scan dpi doubles the width and height yielding four times the area. At 2400 dpi, an object is widened 32 times and the height is 32 times. I don't know, but that seems might cool to me.

See my first grand-daughter, Amber's First Day on Planet Earth !

My other pages...(index)
|Home | My Cats | I Work for Peanuts | Surf's Up | The Kids |
I Have a Dream | Beverly Hill Cop (theme) | ABBA SONG | Dancing Queen |
Fernando | Songs Only | Knowing Me, Knowing You | Money, Money, Money |
Space 1999 (season 2) | Surf's Up | The Winner Takes It All | Waterloo |
Sunny, my boys cat. |
Note: "I Have a Dream" page has more ABBA

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