The Winner Takes It All
The winner takes it all is a really good d-i-v-o-r-c-e song. It really hits home if you've been there, and I have. I still get a tear when I hear the song but the wave doesn't bug me as much. Fter a few years of therapy, it turns out that I was the winner after all and she was the weiner. Hot dog!
My other pages...(index)
|Home | My Cats | I Work for Peanuts | Surf's Up | The Kids |
I Have a Dream | Beverly Hill Cop (theme) | Dancing Queen |
Fernando | Songs Only | Knowing Me, Knowing You | Money, Money, Money |
Space 1999 (season 2) | Surf's Up | The Winner Takes It All | Waterloo |
Sunny, my boys cat. |
Note: "I Have a Dream" page has more ABBA

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