W A S S U P ?
Hello. I just wanted to show this page to my favorite coin company, The New Quarter Company in Rossville, Ga., and one of their competitors or branch affiliates (I don't know which).
I recieved their beautiful color catalog a couple of weeks ago and then, today, November 30, 2001, I received a beautiful catalog saying "Update" , so I thought it, too, was from New Quarter Company.
Actually, it came from coinwire.com a different coin company, Coinwire which is not affiliated with New Quarter Company.
And how do I know that? I don't know it, but just check the prices on page 2 of this catalog and then realize that the prices are $20, or more, higher. You have to see it to believe it. Curiously, everything on the page is identical except for the prices, phone numbers. and the e-mail address.
Is New Quarter Company buying it's coins from Coinwire and selling the stuff for less..
Or, is Coinwire buying from NQC and reselling the items with a large profit margin?
I guess they have the same printer and he makes the same catalog for both compainies altering the selling prices and some of wording.
Still, it seems a bit wrong and somebody is not playing fair, or am I all wet about this?
Now for some possible bargains and, by the way, even the price ($5) for either of the catalogs is the same. Click the pictures to see full sized view.

Coinwire.........New Quarter Company...........Coinwire.P2..............N Q C P2
Many pages have identical priced coins, but the real sales only occur in the NQC catalog. For example, on page 3, CW wants $25 for the 1999, 4 coin leftover proof set (called part B) proof set, which is the penny,nickel,dime and half, in proof, in the case, and unbroken from it. N Q C only wants $12 which is less than half price. C-W could but them at NQC and double their money. I feel sorry for anyone who got a Coinwire catalog and no New Quarter Company catalog to compare the outrageous differences.

I noticed that Coinwire refers to its own big hoard of coins while the New Quarter Company refers to the "Conely Collection" which is a huge hoard of coins and these are the second part of this group. Nobody else talks about the "Conely Collection" but I read about some of the cool stuff in their previous collection and I did buy a nice set of frosty proof quarters from the 69's and 70's for about a buck each, nuff' said.
I did find something interesting though, concerning rolls of statehood quarters.
CW beats NQC on quite a few states.
1999-P(New jersey) is $5 cheaper at NQC but the 1999-D(New Jersey) is $10 cheaper at Coinwire.
1999-P(NJ) CW=$27 and NQC=$22 1999-D(NJ) CW=$39 NQC=$49
You save $15 for the pair of BU rolls; paying only $61 for 1 roll of each. The Delaware and Pennsylvania P&D totals $216 Coinwire and $240 New Quarter Company. This is the first 4 rolls of BU quarters and the savings is $24. I guess I'll do a lot of comparing now.

In closing, if I use both catalogs and confer with my pricing books, I might be able to pick some winners and save a few bucks. Long live competition.

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My Opinions about Marlboro Miles and they aren't happy thoughts.

My Wassup? page deals with two identical catalogs from competitor coin shops. Only minor changes like name of company, e-mail address, phone number, and many prices were seen. Something fishy here.
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