the artificial kingdom


Here are some links to other no doubt sites on the web:

My World is Stricken... is also a Forum affiliate. Visit her site!

The No Doubt International Fanclub! POssibly the greatest No Doubt site on the internet. If you are gonna ditch my site for someone else's, go here.

This Original Site, Artificially Tragic, is also an affiliate with the Forum. This site is a personal favorite.. GO!! - the premiere celebrity website
Click above to go to estars! They have a page on Gwen!

K-Doubt is an awesome internet radio station that plays No Doubt ALL THE TIME! Feel like listening to no doubt without having to play the songs yourself? Let K-Doubt do the work.

The No Doubt Universe is another message board affiliate.. check out this amazing website!!

This site has a SHITLOAD of gwen pictures for all of you obsessive stalkers out there...good site. go there.

This site has a great article about the album and a lot of quotes from the band on what the album basically means to them. Plus there are some cool video clips, which i ¤borrowed¤ and they are on the main page so go check out this cool feature on no doubt.

the return of 
^^ really really good site- primarily gwen-related but i'll let it slide.. just as long as the rest of the band gets a LITTLE credit!! seriously... this site has really cool pictures so go check it out.

* really awesome site with great titles and graphics. A++ *

^^nice site! go there!!!!^^

A very nice little no doubt site.

No Doubt's Magic Kingdom
An awesome No Doubt site.. TONS of pictures and magazine info. One of the best site out there.

This site has a really unique layout and the design of the whole site is great. I highly recommend it.

This is the funniest most unique site out there.. GO. NOW. I don't even care if you leave my site.. just GO SEE THIS ONE!!

This site is a brand new one and i am REALLY GLAD I FOUND IT. it is really extensive and fun to look at.. i think i'll go look around right now!

That's Just Gwen
A great site for pictures of Gwen. Pretty damn awesome..

An awesome site. really unique! Another must see!!

email me and send me your link, site name, and banner info. Also mention if you would like to link to my forum!

You can link to me with the following banners:


Don't forget to add my site to your no doubt links! Bookmark my page while you're at it..You know you'll come crawling back sooner or later.

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