the artificial kingdom

The VH1 My Music Awards:

Pictures of Gwen:

...more to come!
Fan Art:

¤Design the Cover!¤

No Doubt's NEW CD, "Return of Saturn," has finally arrived! With that in mind, The Artificial Kingdom is announcing a fan art competition regarding the new CD!

You probably have the CD, so you know what the cover looks like. if YOU were No Doubt's 'creative consultant' or cover designer, how would YOU design the cover?
SHOW US!! create a computer generated image (or otherwise) that depicts the cover as YOU would create it. WHAT WOULD YOU NAME THE ALBUM? Give me your most creative work, and you could be a winner.
What will you win?

That is not determined as of now, but you will definately get a gigantic award from me to display on your page that tells of your creative wonderment. You will also receive a section of my web page to tell about your creation, and why you made it the way it is. Why the title? Why is gwen's hair green? Where is the rest of the band?! fans will also be able to comment on your work and compliment you on it.
it takes a lot to impress me so you BETTER make it look good.
try to use pictures that are rare.. pictures that aren't on the front page of every website. also give your cd a creative title that no one else would think of. make us WISH that YOUR COVER was the real cover and title for the cd.

¤BY THE WAY... email your submissions to me.

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