the artificial kingdom

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08.18.00 - The X-Games in San Francisco
Written By Brandon Griggs

By 10:30am people started lining up in front of the steel gates that blocked the stage No Doubt would be performing on in just a short time. The security guards said that at 12 noon people would begin to be let inside. Once they said it was time to come in everyone rushed the stage and the security guards had no control over anything so it was a free for all to get as far as front as possible. Comedian/Actor Andy Dick then came out and practiced a few of the lines he would have to say later on. Then a dj from the radio station in SF (Live 105) introduced Andy Dick and welcomed everyone to the X-Games. The cameras were rolling so it was time for the show to begin.

Before No Doubt came on the stage a few X-Games awards were handed out (Best crashes, etc.). Celebrities such as Sugar Ray and B-Real from Cypress Hill were presenters. After about 15 minutes of awards it was time for No Doubt to hit the stage... They were introduced and the crowd began to cheer...

Gwen was now sporting a new look. Her hair is mostly bleached blonde now with only a few pink dyed buns. She had on a really cool silver/black sparkly tank top and a pair of dark blue pants with long zippers down the sides (that she has on in some recent publicity shots), she also had on the black patent leather docs she's been wearing lately. Tom and Tony had on vintage tees, Gabe had on a bright camoflouge shirt and Steve had a bright orange and black racing type suit. Now onto the setlist:

"New": If I remember correctly the band hasn't really played this song much on television appearances. The crowd was really excited they played it and a lot of people were singing along with Gwen.

"Bathwater": Before Gwen started this song she told the audience to be really loud because they were filiming us all. Much like the tour she introduced Steve and Gabe during the bridge. Tom could be seen doing his famous scissor kicks and Tony flashed the crowd his popular smile when he had the chance. It was during this song that a mosh pit started to form but more on that in a second.

"Just A Girl" : The band ended their short set with this crowd favorite. It was really what the crowd wanted because shortly after they finished Bathwater" many were chanting for them to play this song. Because the show will be on tv there was no swearing and no audience participation segment. Gwen covered both sides of the stage during this song and even jumped over a small barrier to stand on top of one of the equipment boxes on the stage. I am sure this part of the song will look awesome on the show because there was a fancy camera that swiveled around Gwen to capture this moment.

After the band finished this song Gwen thanked the audience for letting them play and the band left the stage. Tom tossed the remaining guitar picks into the audience and Gabe threw the rest of the unused water bottles into the thirsty audience. Be sure to check out ESPN to see this great performance! -

Brandon Griggs
Vice President

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