Data 7 & Julian

"But there's a huge cat!" "Good! Make it get rid of the huge rats!"…
The scene begins with a view of the laboratory in the rain forest, which then cuts to Von Richter typing at a computer. He calls out to Data 7, a black panther resting behind him, and tells the panther to watch the screen, which shows an old photograph of a pair of smiling children. Watch the light change on Von Richter's face when he works; you can see the exact instant the picture comes up by the colour change. Von Richter isolates one of the children, but while he's doing so Data 7 starts to remember something: a red flower, that bursts apart with the sound of breaking glass, and a child with his or her face in shadow standing on a cliff, pulling up as though falling away from the viewer. Data 7 turns his head to forget the images, and Von Richter succeeds in ageing the photograph to reveal that is CyberSix. Von Richter announces this fact to Data 7, then tells the cat he is to find and destroy her, petting him to reveal an old scar above Data 7's eye. Data 7 roars in agreement, as Von Richter smiles in satisfaction. I really like how Von Richter had to use the original picture then make an enhanced version; normally writers would just use a real photo. Yes, it is important to the story line in that it trigger's Data 7's first memory, but I still like the less-than-omnipotent feel.

The sky-effect to change the scene to an old opera house, with doors boarded up and generally looking abandoned. Then we see a young boy with orange hair that lives in one of the smaller rooms, who is getting changed for the day, and stops to look outside at the beautiful view of the city of Meridiana. Like always, you can see the angel statue in the view, looming protectively over the city. But also notice that it's looking forwards, to the harbour, and has its back to the opera house… He looks happy…until a big, fat, ugly brute comes in to tell him, between coughs, to "get to work" which involves the boy getting a "big, fat wallet" on threat of no food. Listen to the boards squeak when he walks up before the boy turns around; the background sound effects are just wonderful throughout the series. The boy runs off to comply, but once out of sight of the man becomes much more reluctant, and slowly goes down the stairs to the outside.
The scene moves to Meridiana's open-air market, with people bustling around and bargaining happily. The boy comes up to one of the stand owners, and asks if he can help. The owner says there's nothing for him to do, but to come back tomorrow, which the boy - who we now know is named Julian - tries to pretend is ok, but walks off muttering, "But…tomorrow's too late…" If you haven't noticed by now, Julian doesn't want to steal, but it looks like the poor kid doesn't have too many other options…

Change to a nondescript building, where 'old healthful' (My nickname for the lazy brute Julian works for, being how he most obviously ain't in the best of health…) deposits "yesterday's take" in front of a man talking on a phone (Can you say, bookie?) then walks off, to almost run into a procession of lumbering Fixed Ideas and José. He backs up against the wall to let them pass and, being how they don't bother him, continues on his way. Old healthful's boss, on the other hand, isn't quite as lucky as the wall of his office explodes inwards, the macabre parade make their way in through the new door, and he is informed that he now "works for José." Naturally, he has a fair bit to say about this, but after being picked up effortlessly by a Fixed Idea all he's left with is silent agreement.

Back at the market, Julian is asked by old healthful why he isn't 'picking wealthy pockets,' and when Julian tries to make excuses is reminded that if he wants to eat, he has to bring in a wallet. Obviously afraid of a little more than going hungry, Julian agrees, then runs out into the street to find a victim.
Now we go to Adrian and Lucas, trying to find a bookstore that the latter insists is "around here somewhere…" Adrian helpfully quotes: "All lost. To prayers, to prayers; all lost." Lucas is less than impressed, saying that "unless Shakespeare knows where the bookstore is, please let me think!" Adrian finds this funny, however, and starts off on another quote about thought and the mind. Adrian's first joke of the series! Told you he'd get a sense of humour…Now I just have to reassure you that eventually Lucas will start to appreciate it…o_O
Julian, meanwhile, is poised at the mouth of an alley, preparing himself for what he has to do. He breaks out into a run, knocking into Adrian "by accident," neatly picking his pocket. What, you thought he was going to pick anyone else? He apologies, which Adrian accepts easily, and Adrian and Lucas continue on their way while Julian starts running in the opposite direction. Everything is fine until Adrian puts his hands into his pockets, discovers his wallet is gone, and realizes what has happened. Lucas assures him that they'll catch the boy, and they start running after him. Adrian, however, ducks into an alley, where he leaps up to the rooftops and continues his chase by jumping over the buildings and street. No one looks up while he's doing this, fortunately… Julian stops in another shadowed alley, where he pauses to take a look at his prize, to discover it full of money and a single picture, which surprises him. Notice, it's the same picture that Von Richter used in the first scene… Adrian finds him as he's looking at it, jumping down behind him (Watch the shadow on Adrian, it's perfect as he moves from the light at the roof to the dark of the alley.) and restraining him before he can run off. Adrian promises he won't hurt him, as Lucas - panting and out of breath - runs by and stops, amazed that Adrian caught him. Adrian asks if he's ok, to which Lucas optimistically answers, "I'll live." He really has to work on his endurance if he plans on keeping up with everyone else. Fortunately, he's so tired he doesn't stop to realize that Adrian had been behind him before, and never actually ran past him… Lucas starts to tell Julian that "taking other people's belongings is very bad" (Where does he get with these lines? Understatements 'R Us?) so Julian gives back Adrian's wallet. Adrian smiles, pulls out the picture, then offers the wallet of money back to Julian, saying, "You seem to need it…" Lucas is less than sure about it, insisting, "That won't help…" Julian starts to walk away, having what he needs, but he turns around, throws it back to Adrian, and runs off, saying, "Thanks anyway!" Lucas glares at Adrian for being willing to give up his wallet, but Adrian says Lucas doesn't know what it's like to be all alone. Lucas counters with "Oh, so you're the expert." Adrian merely replies that Julian just needs some courage, and a little help, and when Lucas tries to argue he cuts him off by saying he can't go to the bookstore with him. Watch Lucas during this section; I particularly like the way his finger just drops, bobbing as he loses his point. Lucas, disgruntled, walks off, as Adrian watches Julian run down the street. This is the last we see of Lucas, and while I wish it wasn't, I do have to admit he is pointless to the rest of the story. Oh, well; we get more of my favourite biology teacher in future episodes. :)

Sequence change to a pool hall where some lowlifes are counting money, just before a Fixed Idea kicks down the door and José announces that he now owns their organization. In an arms storehouse, some more Fixed Ideas are checking out the new weapons as a Tecno (I think, he doesn't look like a normal human…) informs them that they now work for José.
Back at José's mansion, the Tecno tells José that they control all the pool halls, gesturing to a map of the city covered in red dots representing their "acquired" operations. José tries to add the last pin, but is too short, so orders a Fixed Idea over, who kneels down so José can scramble up his back. I never get tired of the short jokes. :) Putting the pin home, he proudly announces, "I'm going to rule the underworld!" Just then, however, Data 7 comes in through the window. The bent over Fixed Idea sees the panther, and jumps up and back in fright, spilling José. José gets ready to yell at it, but noticing it pointing at something and shaking, he looks…and jumps behind it in fear. Data 7 casually jumps in and walks past all the cowering Fixed Ideas and the Tecno (Even Fixed Ideas know that pissing off the boss's pet is a bad thing, particularly when said pet is armed with sharp teeth and claws…) to face José, who can hardly believe his father sent the panther. Data 7 growls at him, but José gathers enough courage to proclaim that he can capture CyberSix. Data 7 obviously disagrees, or just doesn't care, and roars right in his face. José, smart little cloned son that he is, backs off with a "Nice kitty…" We go into commercial break as Data 7 lets out a war-cry of a roar.

This sequence with Data 7 leaping over and onto buildings in search of CyberSix (Obviously no one told him she never is seen during the day…) Eventually, he notices the marketplace, and comes closer for a look. There, Julian walking with his head down, worried about what he's going to do that night. What he doesn't see is that Adrian is following him intently. Adrian is so focused, in fact, that he hits the elbow of a passer-by with his arm; you never see him being so inconsiderate normally. Julian, also not watching where he's going, runs right into a woman, causing her to drop her apples and him to fall down. Without a second thought, however, Julian appologizes and starts helping her pick them up. Julian is really a kind boy, he just has trouble showing it, being how he appears to be orphaned and all… Pan up to see Data 7 surveying the scene, which he just glances at before noticing a little black-haired girl holding a bouquet of red flowers. The flowers trigger his memory again, and he sees the child falling up away from him before he growls and bites the air in mental pain. The little girl (Her name is Maria, by the way, you hear her mother call her that, nice little touch.) on the other hand, is helping her mother carry groceries. As they walk off, the mother's wallet falls out of her pocket. The coat's the wrong colour when it drops; it's the colour of her dress, burgundy, but she's got on a dove blue coat…Oh, well, nothing's perfect. Just goes to show I've seen this episode too often if I notice something like that…LOL Only Julian sees it fall, so he picks it up and looks around. No one seems to be paying attention to him; he could take it to give to old healthful, and no one would be the wiser. I like the perspective when he's looking around at the crowd, it's from his height looking up, a little point most other shows miss. What Julian doesn't see is that Adrian is still watching him, and looks over at the young pick pocket disappointedly when he thinks Julian is going to keep it. Ya, I'm talking again about the animation, but I love the effect of the light on Adrian's glasses; sorry, but I love all this attention to detail. But Julian's conscious wins out, and after a moment of sweating he runs up and silently hands the wallet back to the woman. Her arms are full, however, so Maria takes it from Julian, and rewards him with a kiss. This kid is going to be a real lady's man when he grows up, take my word for it… Adrian looks on with approval, but the camera pans up to show Data 7, who's still watching Maria. As she talks with Julian, the panther's memories start coming back again, in what is the longest flashback so far: First, Maria is replaced by the young CyberSix, talking silently and holding the red flowers; then, flash between Data 7's stunned face, CyberSix's smiling face from the picture, and the red lily-like flower, which again bursts apart; the falling sequence, except now it's easier to see that it's the viewer that's falling, not the child, as the black cliff face fills the screen; flashing lights, then a bluish-green brain monitor growing erratic and stopping at one point; finally, a silhouette in front of two bright lights, and just before the lights brighten you can see it's Von Richter with his monocle shining ominously. Then everything flashes out in white light, to show Data 7 in real pain from these memories, roaring in frustration. Which no one hears, the one problem I have with this scene… Julian and Mina say good-bye, and Data 7 leaves the market place hurriedly.


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