"There's a time when the moon reveals its face through the clouds..."

And that time is now. Be thankful, and look upon its face kindly. It has many secrets beneath its serene stare, and has seen many dark doings that take place when the light of the sun no longer has the courage to stay upon our world. It is the sworn protector of the night, this sole sister of the sky, and it and its brethren will watch over us and protect us until the suns rays again find the heart to look upon the evils and the beauty of the Earth.
But this is not a web site about the moon. This site is in honor of one of its earth-bound brethren, who runs beneath its face to protect all she knows from the one that created her. This is a site about the triumph of the human spirit and the human soul in the face of something that has forsaken its humanity to take what it does not deserve. This is a site where viewers of the mature animated series CyberSix - and those that have heard enough about it to be curious about it - can gather to worship its characters, learn the secrets of its essence, and give praise to something that could very well be too good to live long among us mere mortals.

Well, if you got through that ok, you should do fine for the rest of the site. If not, well, you either are or were one of those people who found English class a great place to catch up on your sleep. Not that I've got anything against that - I caught my fair share of Z's in History - but this site is intended to read like a cross between a book of poetry and an advanced English essay on Hamlet, and if neither are your gig you should head off to one of the sites listed in the Links Section. And if you're still with me, well, I hope you enjoy this.
Like said above, although not in quite so eloquent terms, this web site is devoted to the television program CyberSix. I'm rather loath to use the term "cartoon," although that is what it is, because too many people's connotations of a cartoon have to do with those pieces of froth that children watch on Saturday mornings. And while kids would probably enjoy CyberSix, it is created for a much more mature and discerning audience. Which is why I think a fair amount of people will appreciate a web site such as this on it, because so much of the show is in its underlying meanings, interactions between people, and other things that are the staple of English Literature classes - or at least should be, and if that's not your experience you have my sympathies. Well, enough about that, let's get into the site proper.

You are the CyberSix fan to visit this site since Dec. 10, 1999.

This is really cool! Carp's Tail has made a CyberSix Desktop Theme!!!! I helped kinda, just made the actually .theme... Anyway, here it is! The UnOfficial CyberSix Desktop Theme, Version 1.21! I still prefer "Semi-Official", but it is Carp's Tail's, so I'll be nice.... Particularly considering how slow I am getting these updates up....
Ok, if you came here for this, you can now go to Carp's Tail's site and tell him what you think of it, and see his wonderful CyberSix drawings. In fact, go often; he deserves to get his counter up. :)


The site will be officially updated ever Friday, which means two new episode descriptions will be put up, however many character profiles, and maybe an essay or a fan story. Once this section gets too long, it'll be moved to a sepatate page, with only the most recent here so you know if anything's new or not.

06/23/A0 - So much for that hope, sorry guys, I've been having more life thrown at me than I can handle. I have been REALLY behind on Internet stuff, so the Links and other Fan Fics is TOTALLY outdated, and will have to stay that way for a while. I'm fighting to finish Chapter 1, and fortunately the prospects on that look good as I face trips with my Lap Top but no Internet. I do have some new CyberSix poems up at the Fan Fiction page, and a new section there: Original Works, for those of you that like my writing, so you have something to read while I try to survive this summer.
02/26/A0 - Finally! Two updates in as many weeks! I might get this site properly running yet...

02/18/A0 - My show stuff is taking longer than I thought... but I have some new fan fic stuff! Go to my fan fic page to see my newest poem and Bethany's RPG profile!
02/01/A0 - The first Episode Description is finally up! The second should be up within the week if unexpected visitors don't drop over again and totally shot the day for computer work...*sigh*
01/21/A0 - Small update, but an update nevertheless: 01/14/A0 - The first official update! Here's what's new: 12/17/99 - Links Page corrected.
12/14/99 - From the Rooftops corrected.
12/10/99 - The site is officially opened to the public.

The Pages:

Here's what's up already. Frame users have a toolbar of these pages in the top right frame, and non-frame users have a similar one at the bottom of every page.

How You Can Help

This site was designed for you, the reader, and therefore you are necessary in making it as good as it can be. You can also help in promoting the show, which will be good for all because if it gets enough good press they can make a second series. Here's what you can do:

Future Pages:

What's up already is only the beginning. Here's what else is in store if I receive half-way positive feedback:
Main    Episodes    Characters    From the Rooftops    Essays    Fan Fics    Links

Mail Me!

CyberSix and all related information © TMS and Telecom Animation Film. All writings are original works and property of me. See Credits page for more information.