CyberSix Episode List

You do not know where you are going until you know where you have been…
The following is a list of all thirteen shows currently aired, and a brief teaser for each in the poetic style that’s so characteristic of my writing. Click on the title of each episode for a complete synopsis of that episode.

NOTE: When I say complete synopsis, I mean a COMPLETE synopsis. This goes way beyond spoilers; I dissect just about everything from the show, and the only reason I don’t give a full second-by-second script to go with it is because that’s rather pointless. Unless you’ve seen the episode or honestly want to know EXACTLY what happened, no surprises left, DON’T read them.

UPDATING: I’ll be putting up two new synopsises every week as Teletoon goes through the third airing of the season and I tape them.

Episode:   [1]   [2]   [3]   [4]   [5]   [6]   [7]   [8]   [9]   [10]   [11]   [12]   [13]

1. The Mysterious Shadow

An ebony shadow begins to appear in Meridiana, leaping from rooftops, to vanish back into the night. People begin to disappear without a trace off the streets, some in front of astonished eyes in a flash of green light. Would you trust a stranger in a black cape in times such as these, when all you know about her is that she can run faster than the wind, knows what is going on – and is unbelievably beautiful?

2. Data 7 & Julian

Few people know just how it feels to be alone, without any hope of friendship or understanding, to be constantly at the mercy of those without any morals. An orphan made to steal to live, a panther with the mind of a human and orders to kill; only someone who is as alone as they are could ever learn to care for such people.

3. Terra

Mud from the primordial seas – the very essence of life, given a horrifying push forward by a diabolical madman. Set loose on an unsuspecting metropolitan, with the strength of a dozen men, the intellect of a genius, and the understanding of a child, nothing can stand in its way when it is going after what it wants. Can such a creature learn to love, when all it was created to do is hate?

4. Yashimoto, Private Eye

Desperate people are driven to desperate measures. Yashimoto is forced to search for the mysterious CyberSix against his better judgement in order to free his sister and her new friend Julian from the clutches of José. To find the elusive Cyber, he will require all of his formidable deductive skills and technical expertise, and he just might catch her where he least expects.

5. Lorri is Missing

Teenage crushes should be harmless. But when Lorri thinks she has found out why her latest crush, her teacher Adrian Seidelman, isn’t returning her interest, it can drive friendships apart and her into the hands of a demented boy set to tunnel his way into riches, whatever the cost.

6. Bluebirds of Horror

Birds should be a sign of spring and new beginnings. But these birds could signal the end of life as the citizens of Meridiana know it. How can CyberSix fight against an entire flock of mindless flying things of terror that are controlled by an inhuman force, when she can’t even get outside past them?

7. Brainwashed

What would it take to turn the most upright of detectives into a mindless killing machine? CyberSix has to find out what has happened to him and five of his fellow officers – before they find her first, and before her friend Julian gets in their way.

8. Gone With the Wings

They can fly. They have supersonic, destructive cries. They live in the subway. And they’re breeding. When these goblins get so bad that even the media have to admit their existence, CyberSix must stop them before they stop her – permanently.

9. Full Moon Fascination

A werewolf is a creature of legend, an impossibility. But then again, so is living mud, demons that live in the subways, and women who need highly reactive acid to survive. But CyberSix has no time to worry about what is stalking the streets of Meridiana beneath the moonlight; she has to figure out why her best friend has become a mindless idiot over the new substitute teacher.

10. The Eye

Little things have a tendency to become big problems, especially if Von Richter is involved. His newest creation – a floating eyeball that can steal the very souls of those that look into it – is taking over the city, and CyberSix must fight it alone as everyone she cares for falls under its spell.

11. The Greatest Show in Meridiana

All the sights, sounds, and joys of the circus, provided by clockwork animals made by a genius with the mind of a child. But the next act is anything but fun and games: a “robot” of flesh and blood is to be pitted against an unstoppable mechanical monster in a fight to the death, while the naďve audience watches on in delight!

12. Daylight Devil

Where can you hide from a creature that can become invisible? Before CyberSix can solve this problem, her last refuge – her secret daytime identity – is taken from her. Now she must run from an enemy with no apparent weaknesses when she is most vulnerable: in broad daylight, in front of those she cares most for.

13. The Final Confrontation

A monster the size of an island, with no purpose other than to carry its explosive load to the heart of Meridiana. To save their home, CyberSix and Data 7 must prepare for what they know is probably a suicide mission: a battle against their creator, Von Richter, in his own laboratory.

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CyberSix and all related information © TMS and Telecom Animation Film. All writings are original works and property of me. See Credits page for more information.