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"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2


Above Barack Obamas Paygrade

Barack Obamas' Propaganda of "Hope" and "Change"Agenda For America(ns)

What could an Obama win do to this country?

Barack Obama and his Merry Band of Liberal Rob-ing-hoods

Obamas' 50 Lies and still counting!


Oil Prices and Al Gore

What We Are Paying Now For Everything Will Look Good Compaired To What Is Coming

What Do These Have in Common?

Disarming America by Using 'Tolerance' As The Weapon Of Choice

Our Supreme Court Peddles the Porn Peddlers

The Democracy Ruse

Sickness In America and The Plague Givers

What Happened To You America?

Your State could be next

The Secularized and Socialized Activist Judges

RESTORING AMERICA - by Michael Savage

"The Life of Colonel David Crockett"

The Pastor Tells The Ugly Truth About America

Secret Weapon of the Democrat Party

One Day Teaching against sin will be considered "HATE CRIMES"

Contempt Of Our American Values

Political Insanity - Just Plain Suicidal

Clinton Signs Assured Distruction

You Know You're a Liberal ....If

Gore At It Again

Like Good Socialists

The "New Collective Community"

Paedophile Cesspool

Faith vs. the Constitution: A false conflict

Which Do You Believe?

Anyone Remember this?

The Liberal Psychological Crutch

We Conservatives

Then There Is Tinsel-Town!

Where Is The Justice?

The Liberal Left

Elected and Uneducated Morons

The Liberals Seem To HATE America and That For Which She Stands

Executive Orders

Legislating Morality-No Way Around It Stupid!

America - Are You Angry Yet?

I Bet You Didn't Know!

The Palestinian Exodus

Kerry's Colors Shine Through

Independence Day No More

The Battle Has Begun

Get Right About America! Stop making unscriptural excuses

It's Time For A "Holy War" Here In America Now! (For Christians)

Zell Miller Knows The "Real" Democrat Party

Answers To Stupid Liberal Soundbytes!

The Poverty Pimps

The Democrat Burglar

10 Reasons To Be Afraid, Very Afraid, of Putting a Democratic Administration In Charge of Guarding America's Gates.

Those Liberal Unpatriotic Bellyachers

Antiwar Protesters Like Never Before

California's "Pedophile Protection Act"

America Did Nothing

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