Archive of PythonTrek Fanfic
Please feed the authors!  Write to them directly by clicking on their names, or sign the guestbook.  But PLEASE let them know you appreciate their creative efforts (hint: it's the best way to get MORE!).  All stories are copyrighted to the authors, please ask their permission before distributing or reproducing.
Find the latest new stories on the new "NEW" page

Victor Wong:
"Python Trek 1"
"Python Trek 2"
"Python Trek 3"
"Python Trek 4"
"Python Trek 5"
"Python Trek 6"

Charlene Vickers:
"The Cardassian Song"
"Say No More"

the black knight

Rob Morris:
"A Telling Blow"
"The Black Borg"
"The Dead Kirk Sketch"
"Stop This, Now!"
"Back to Earth"
 "Find Your Way Back"
 "The Berry Academy"
"My Son's Occupation"
nonPython, nonparody cross-overs by Rob Morris
"Runabout Repairman"

"The Borg Who Say 'Ni'"

The Parrot

"The Dead Vulcan Sketch"

"Voyager's Spam"

Marlissa Campbell
"The Argument"
"The Life of Benjamin; Part 1: Epiphany"

"I Want To Be A Borg"

Jim T

 DL Thurston
"Whole Lotta Python Goin' On"

 This site is owned by Marlissa Campbell,
and was created on December 4, 1998.  Updated February 2, 2000.
Email me at:
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 WARNING! Site owner accepts NO liability for computer damage due to laughter-induced projectile expulsion of food or drink items.  Nor will
  responsibility be accepted for loss of employment due to unauthorized laughter or wasting of time in the workplace.  Reading the stories archived
         herein or perusal of any linked materials constitute activities performed strictly AT YOUR OWN RISK.