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                                           -...And take you on a- Oh! sorry one word at a time...

                                   -Can I have another soda please??

                                  -I laughed so hard I almost busted out of my Milk Duds.

                                  -More ale wench!

                                  -Don't! *buzz* Go! *buzz* Away!! *buzz buzz*

                                         -The points don't matter, just like pants to Hugh Heffner.

-Sorry, I can't give you any points because I couldn't hear you, Ryan's shoes were too loud!

-Seriously Ryan, it looks like you steppped in an airplane toilet before you came to work today!

-That's right, the points are somethingg you'll never see, like me on box of Wheaties.

-Hey Ryan, Ringling Brothers called, thhey want their shoes back!

-I’ve never seen a union guy move so fast. It was like someone called lunch or something.

-I hope you don’t mind, I thought we’d just sit at home here and watch “Geppetto”.

-That quackin’ elephant was like the funniest thing!...

-Points to your mothers, baby yeah!

-That’s each 1,000 you points for.

-I'd like to give a plug to Ryan, Colin, and Wayne they have...and Brad, Well they all have a movie coming out.  It's a mixture between Scary Movie, Coyote Ugly, and X-Men.  It's called, "It's SCARY how UGLY those MEN are".

-If you’re keeping track of the points, I pity you.

-I feel very.....alone.

-Hi, welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway, I'm Drew Carey, Lord of the Onion Rings.

-.....and the loser has to do something with Ryan.

-We’re gonna change the name of that game to, 'Hey, let’s all make idiots out
of ourselves'!'

-Stick those points where the sun don't shine.....Seattle Washington!!  hahahaa...

-Welcome to 'Whose Line is it Anyway?'!  The only show that asks a question!

-Hey folks, you like happy endings??  Well play the show backwards.


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