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Colin- ...You know!,....I have many favorite artists.......Van Gough is one, but he didn't really sing a lot.....

Ryan- ....No...couldn't hear a thing!...didn't have the ear for it....

Colin- ...Yeah, ...him and Beethoven!

Ryan- ...Oh!  I love that dog!...

Colin- Anyway!......

Ryan- Say Col!  Are those badges you're wearing???...

Colin- Why yes they are Ryan!...

Ryan- Where did you get those????

Colin- I got them from Scout Master Jim...

Ryan- ...You were a cub scout???!

Colin- ...Sure!

Colin- I love Dixieland!...

Ryan- Excuse me?!??

Colin- No, no, the music style...  

Ryan- Oh.

Colin- His wife's name is Dixie Land

Ryan- Hey Col!  What do you like on your burritos, or your taco chips???

Colin- ....Why,...A little bit of paper...

Ryan- .....(gets confused).......Say the paper you're eating is kind of bland!  What do you put on that to make it more exciting????

Colin- ...Salt-??

Ryan- Sa!  Salsa!

Drew- So now we're gonna play a game called....African Chant.  Africa is a big country next to Madagascar....

Greg- (laughs hysterically)  It's also a big continent if your a geographer!!

Drew- I know.....

Greg- I couldn't help it Drew...

Drew- I know....I can't read the card.

Ryan- Hey Col, what do you think of when I say... Ricky Ricardo and Great Cigars??

Colin- Tapioca!

Ryan- (Looks confused) ...Really???

Colin- Yeah, wasn't that one of his songs??

Ryan- (Still looks confused, but smiles)

Colin- Tapioooooooca!  Tapioooooooooca!

Ryan- (while laughing)  No Colin, I'm talking about Cuba!....(starts laughing uncontrollably)

Greg- Objection!  Number 2 ripped my flesh!...

Wayne- ...Sustained!...

Greg- ...Overruled!...

Wayne- ...Denied!...

Greg- ...Exemption!...

Wayne- ...Court out of session!...

Greg- ...Your question!...

Wayne- ...My witness!...

Greg- ...Don't waste this court's time!  Go!

Ryan- Hey Colin?

Colin- Yes Ryan?

Ryan- What comes to mind when I say cowpoke?

Colin- (Looks at the camera nervously)

Ryan- Haha... Cowboy is what I mean.

Colin- Oh yeah, me too!  (Looks relieved)

Ryan- By the way, you've done your time!

Wayne- (jumps around in one foot) Boo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doop, Boo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doop!

Colin- Oh look, It's Crazy Ted!

Wayne-(Continues jumping around on one foot, looking drunk and still making sounds)

Colin- Get out of there Crazy Ted!  You're not needed here!

Ryan- My God, all the water in the pond!  It's going!  The fish are just lying on the beach!

Colin- And they're bursting into flames!!

Ryan- And the grounds starting to shake!

Colin- Meteor!  There's only one hope!

Ryan- ....Run from side to side?!?

Colin- Yes!!

Drew- 'I love Lucy'!

Greg- So do I! ...Oh I see.

Greg- Man that noodrack was wiggedy-wiggedy-wacked!

Colin- It certainly was.  Alak-alak-awak-alak!

Greg- She had her breezies all in my face and stuff!

Colin- Aye-aye captain!

Greg- You know what I'm saying?

Colin- Yes I know!!

Greg- Yo!

Colin- Yo!

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